portland, maine

Client. A young family - Jessica, Todd and son Louie.
Two primary design mandates:
1. Provide a supportive, accessible living environment for Jessica - a C6/C7 quadriplegic, paralyzed from mid-chest down with limited use of arms and hands.
2. Provide an energy-efficient, sustainable living environment for a young family.
Most “green” homes are built in the suburbs, or beyond, resulting in unsustainable development patterns. This house provides an alternative - a small, high-performance house in an established neighborhood.

A small house (2,045 s.f.) was key, for environmental and fiscal reasons. A rigorous and thoughtful building program provides the essentials - three small bedrooms plus two studios (the residents work from home). The building is a combination of three simple rectilinear volumes with three outdoor “rooms” - an entry court, rear patio, and roof-top terrace.Abundant natural light makes for a pleasant indoor space year-round, an important consideration especially in the winter when getting out and around in a wheelchair can be a significant challenge!

363HOUSE provides a comfortable, nurturing environment for Jessica and her young family. Something that the architect (Jessica’s father) finds immensely gratifying!